Southern California’s Premier Repeater System
The PAPA System is a member-supported wide-area amateur radio network of inter-linked analog FM, D-STAR, DMR, and System Fusion repeaters, providing extensive coverage of the Southern California region and beyond. We have reliable communications from the border with Mexico to north of Santa Barbara, and from the Arizona border to “maritime mobile” well out into the Pacific Ocean. As a result of the System’s extensive coverage and hundreds of members, it’s very likely that you can find someone to talk to at any time, day or night – just get on the air and give your callsign. We have a motto on the PAPA System: “No call goes unanswered!”
On our website you’ll find the locations and frequencies of the repeaters. Wherever you are located in Southern California, you’ll find a repeater that provides excellent service to where you live and work. From casual conversation to emergency operations support, PAPA has a long history as Southern California’s premier repeater system.
PAPA System members enjoy utilizing the System and its features, attending various organizational events, and building new friendships through their affiliation and participation in the PAPA System. PAPA members come from every walk of life and are the real treasure of the PAPA System. Our members have a multitude of interests, talents and backgrounds, so there is always something interesting to be heard. The technology of the PAPA System is great, but it’s the friendly people that you will find on the air that really make the PAPA System what we consider to be the best repeater system anywhere!
PAPA has monthly breakfast/luncheon meetings in the Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego areas. We feature presentations on current amateur technologies and operating activities. We conduct amateur license testing at these meetings and always have outstanding door prizes. You can stay up to date on System activities with regular visits to the website at
PAPA is an old acronym for the group that was founded in 1983. At that time, PAPA was known as the Pocket Auto-Patch Association and consisted of a single 220 MHz repeater with an autopatch. Today, under the leadership of Cecil Casillas, WD6FZA, the PAPA System has expanded substantially. Many of the PAPA System sites were added by existing repeater owners or groups that decided to affiliate with the PAPA System. The PAPA System is managed by a dedicated group of volunteers focused on all aspects of our members’ user experience.
PAPA is much more than a collection of repeaters, antennas, and tower sites. It’s the members that make PAPA special. PAPA is a member-supported club. To join, please go to the PAPA System website at Your membership dues go to support the maintenance of existing sites as well as System expansion.
Membership is granted upon payment of annual dues. Currently, dues are $125 annually. We like to point out that it’s a good value, (about $10/month) which is less than most people spend on lunch. Members are asked to renew their membership on the anniversary of their initial payment.You can join at any time for a 1-year period.
The PAPA System welcomes all amateurs to apply for membership, however, we reserve the right to refuse membership to anyone. To join, you must first register on the PAPA System website. Next, look on the left side of the Home Page for the Join/Renew box and click on the PayPal button to complete the transaction.
If you don’t live in Southern California, out-of-the area membership is available at a reduced rate for hams who are only occasionally in the area or just want to support the System.
With PAPA, you can try before you buy. After registering on the website at, Guests can enjoy a complimentary 45-day evaluation period where they have access to Guest content on the website and are welcome to use most of the repeaters – a few repeaters are reserved just for members.
All amateurs in a member’s household are considered PAPA Associate Members. Upon registration on the website, and notification via Ask PAPA, we will assign family members to the PAPA Associate Member group so they may enjoy membership privileges on the website as well.
The PAPA System encourages youth membership and education by waiving membership dues for young hams up to 18 years old or those in college.
Beyond use of the repeater system, members are listed in the System roster on the website, and able to exclusively access important resources including code plugs and member bulletins.
The PAPA System is a social group, and members often say the best thing they get out of membership is the friendship and camaraderie. We have monthly breakfast/luncheon meetings that are open to members and guests – this is a great time to put faces with voices and maybe win a doorprize! You won’t want to miss the annual PAPA picnic in the summer and the PAPA Fiesta in December for members, their guests and family.
Many PAPA Members are accredited Volunteer Examiners and we offer amateur exams at our breakfast and luncheon meetings. When you are ready to upgrade, you can register for a test session online.
On the PAPA System website, you can post announcements, ask questions and stay up to date on System activities. PAPA is also on Facebook and Twitter!
On-the-air etiquette is important to members – anything you say and do on the System should be acceptable to all ages. We have an operating guideline document on our website called “Smooth Operator” – we’d like everyone to read it and learn how to be a smooth operator! Please don’t correct anyone on the air – that’s what phone calls are for. The online membership roster provides contact information for PAPA System members.
We won’t kick you off the System. However, we will notice if you’re on a lot and haven’t joined. You’ll probably get an email or phone call to encourage you to become a member. The PAPA System is member-supported and we depend on membership to support repeater maintenance and site rental.
The PAPA System is a 501(c)(3) organization, and operates for the benefit of the amateur radio community. You’re donations may be tax deductible.